Worshipful Master – Wor. Steve Barnes
Senior Warden- Brother Dave Evans II
Junior Warden- R. Wor. Michael Brown II
Senior Deacon- Brother Dave Evans III
Junior Deacon – Brother John Aversa
Secretary – Brother Timothy Heary D.S.A,
Treasurer -Wor Phillip Weld
Chaplain- Brother Ralph Barto
Tiler- (to be announced)
Marshall- Wor. Sam Archie
Sr.Master of Ceremonies- Brother Paolo Rizzo
Jr.Master of Ceremonies- Brother John Weatherston
Steward- (to be announced)
Steward- (to be announced)
Organist- Brother Patrick Moyer
Trustee: Wor, David Sayles
Trustee: Wor David Gaines
Trustee: Wor. Samuel Buck
Trustee: Brother Emory Simon
Trustee: Wor Thomas DeAngelo